01 Sep

Extensive existing evidence shows that the major multinational formula manufacturers have been using misleading advertising, and unethical tactics to bombard parents with ‘hard-sell’ for years. This is advertising purely for financial gain, although these organisations claim to be creating products for altruistic reasons. Global sales of cows milk formula in 2019 totalled a massive $55.6billion.  In fact, these companies use clever tactics to side-step the already weak control governments have over formula product regulation.

 Formula as a life-saving product is wildly over-prescribed.  With adequate support most mother-child dyads can breastfeed, offering significant health benefits to them both. As a parent you may assume that we are well protected by trading standards, and that our government holds the health of our children as paramount, but sadly this is not the case. Conversely, there is often very little government spending and support for education and breastfeeding support.

New research reveals that the reasons for this are complex, and not a little worrying… We know that breastfeeding has proven significant benefits for a child’s life-long health, largely through its effect on the human microbiome. If more children were breastfed this would have a huge impact in reducing pressure on the NHS over the coming years.  But government policies are persuaded by the promised quick wins for shareholders, especially in high or upper middle-income countries such as ours. 

And sadly, it will be the future generations of children who will yet again be carrying the burden of mistakes made by past generations. So why don’t governments do something to challenge this situation, and instead promote and support breastfeeding? There are some big players at stake here… 

-Globalisation gives enormous power to manufacturers who have become bigger than individual countries, and coerce them into allowing unethical marketing practices. 

-Formula companies have strong political allies, who support them in lobbying governments and restricting regulation of formula and associated marketing. 

-Anti feminist policies ignore the value and power of breastfeeding. Women’s care work is ignored or taken for granted, instead of valued as part of national economic performance. 

-Healthcare systems are underfunded, partly due to tax evasion on the part of the global multinational formula companies. 

I have to admit, this is a pretty bleak picture!  But it is never too late to reverse the trend! What can you do?  If you would like to have access to the most up to date, evidence-based information about the microbiome, and how to protect your unborn child’s health, then please have a look at our course “Breastfeeding and why it matters.”  This 2-part course can give you all the information you need you get prepared for breastfeeding, and includes follow up support when you baby is born. If you would like to read the research in full, please visit Breastfeeding 2023 (thelancet.com)

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