30 Oct

What started in the last century as a medicinal product for babies who could not breastfeed, has now exploded into a multi billion dollar industry. This short clip created by the W.H.O. de-bunks the  popular belief that formula companies no.1 aim is to keep babies alive and thriving. In fact, the primary goal is to increase profits exponentially.
Popular myths created by the industry include claims that: -their brand of formula is 'close to breastmilk', -babies require 'follow on milks' -and that it isn't a problem to introduce mixed feeding if you are having a bad day (or night!).
We know that breastfeeding can sometimes be tricky, especially in the early days and weeks. If we are lead to believe that formula is 'just as good' or even 'better' than breastmilk, then its easy to see why so many UK mums reach for the formula, which often negatively impacts their breastfeeding journey. Introducing a bottle will naturally decrease breastmilk supply, essentially leading to baby weaning themselves off the breast too early. These babies miss out on the benefits that can come with 6 months exclusive breastfeeding (the Gold Standard according to WHO (1))
But we need not be at the mercy of these advertising tactics. If you are expecting a baby, why not join our antenatal class 'Breastfeeding and why it matters'? You can learn why the complexity of breastmilk makes it unbeatable when it comes to protecting your baby's health, and how to prepare for your breastfeeding journey with a toolbox of wisdom and tips to get you through the early days!

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