14 Mar

You are probably aware that what you eat has a dramatic impact on the nutrients available to your body.  A healthy diet is vital for your body to function, grow and repair.  You may be surprised to learn that our diet also impacts the health of our gut bacteria, with a knock on effect on our life-long health.  A major problem in the UK and elsewhere, is excessive consumption of sugars.  This leads to health issues such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, infertility, depression and several forms of cancer.  Many diseases result not just from excessive calorie intake, but also from disrupting the food sources available to the gut bacteria we rely on for maintaining a healthy equilibrium.  Deceptive marketing campaigns for processed foods can make it hard to make healthy decisions. The Public Health Collaboration have launched a fabulous series of infographics explaining which common foods contain 'hidden sugars', helping to put the consumer back in control! The information sheets include breakfasts, bread, vegetarian, and even help you chose a healthier chocolate treat! For more information sheets see: 


To better understand the role of diet in conception, pregnancy and breastfeeding, why not join our antenatal class here:

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